Monday, February 07, 2011

Menu Monday: Creamy Italian Chicken

So, did your team win last night???

Our house had divided loyalties so someone was bound to be excited and someone else crushed. Our youngest has been a Steelers fan for years now and hubby has been a Packer Backer for...well, a looooong time.

Me...I just love the food ;). I made sure we had appetizers galore, all those things you don't normally prepare unless there is an event. Followed by a few Tums, lol.

Today on the menu is Creamy Italian Chicken. It is a crockpot meal that we repeat on a regular basis in our house. Crockpot recipes can be such time savers. We enjoyed this on Friday but I failed to get a photo.

I used the retired SU set, Best of Cluck. For the title font, I changed it up a bit, using Honey Script. I was getting a bit weary of the other one.

I have the PDF version if you care to download it for yourself...and a few friends since it prints 4 to a page.

1 comment:

  1. I made this a for dinner on Wednesday and it was fantastic! You have some serious crafting and cooking skills! Thanks for the PDF layout. I am working on getting all my best recipes on sweet little cards like yours, but that will have to wait while the children and I finish our valentines. Thanks again! You inspire me to make beautiful things. :), Heather
