In the midst of all the busyness, my youngest son asks when they will be able to look for the hidden Easter baskets. HA! I had honestly thought I wouldn't do them this year. They are getting older and had gotten a basket from a friend earlier in the week. Not to mention, I hadn't purchased any candy. (well that isn't true, weeks ago I did and have since eaten it, lol) As soon as he asked the question, I knew I had to come up with something. By the time I got to the grocery store, the pickin's were slim in the Easter candy department so I had to get creative. Gum always works and I still had a few stashed Kinder Eggs I bought in Canada at Christmas. My findings were certainly going to look lame in a big basket, so I made a smaller Easter bag (genie style) for each of the boys.

They are pretty no frills since I was short on time and they are boys after all--not likely to pay much if any attention to the packaging. I covered some chipboard birds with textured SU paper, colored in a dollar stamp I had in my stash, clicked off their names on the label maker and pretty much called it good. The lined paper image is CHF and I used JustRite stamps to spell out the sentiment. They seemed to be satisfied. Note to self---be prepared next year!
One of the things on its way to Mississippi is my precious camera. I have a couple of photos saved of things I made on Saturday but without my camera, I can't take any new pictures to post.
Thanks for visiting, have a wonderful day!

I love your bag with the great chipboard bird! How creative we can be when desperate! This looks super! And what a great thing your DH is doing!
Love this! Great for a boy!
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