We are currently experiencing a bee problem in our new house and they have decided to come in to the basement of all places. That's where my stamping space is!! We have pest control on their way this afternoon and they should make it safe to enter once again.
Stinkin' bees!
So what is a girl to do?? I have been exploring the area and came upon a road side market that had some awesome produce. They had big baskets of tomato seconds for only a dollar.

Gotta love that. I bought two baskets and came home to cook up some spaghetti sauce. I also made up some homemade meatballs that cooked in the sauce along with some hot Italian sausage. I am freezing my sauce and had to resort to some glass jars when I ran out of other options. It made the most wonderful, chunky sauce! In all I froze 20 quarts of sauce. I suddenly feel the urge to can everything in sight! Alas, it will have to wait as we are now packing to leave for a long weekend of camping with family. We will return on Monday. I wish you all a wonderful long holiday weekend!
Yum! They look delicious. And you will enjoy them all winter. I have been canning fig preserves. I have done 12- 1/2 pints for my church bazaar and 9 pints for us. Love to can.
You go girl ! I love canning. I don't think many people do it anymore.
Yum! I hope you are able to get rid of those pesky bees. Enjoy your holiday weekend!
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