I thought about posting a picture of each days loot but decided I would rather have it be a surprise!! I think it is more fun that way. Here are some of the packages stuffed and ready to mail.
Mondays winning name is:
Jacque (SCS: Petals)Please email me your address and I will get one of these packages out to you soon.
At 11pm tonight I will draw a name for day 2's package. Leave a comment on this post. Today's question: If you could spend an entire day with anyone you wanted, who would it be (hubbies are a given!)?
My answer...lots of people came to mind, but in the end I would say my dad. He passed away 8 years ago this month and there were many more conversations yet to be had.
Now for some stamping. I made a one sheet wonder during my KISS stamping craze. OSW are great for cranking out a pile of cards.

I started with a sheet of white card stock, wheeled it with the Petals jumbo wheel and soft sky ink. I added some stamps from the Polka Dots and Petals set using groovy guava, purely pomegranate and blue bayou. I used those same colors when I assembled my cards. I got 5 cards from the one sheet, but I used large pieces. You could stretch it way farther than I did here. On three of the cards I used last years SAB set, So Very and on the other 2 I used Circle of Friendship. A little ribbon, a few punches and voila! OSW's make it easy to make sets for using or giving and can be varied just by changing colors.
Don't forget to leave your comment! Have a great day!
If I could spend a day with anyone, it would have to be my mother. She passed away when I was just 1 year old, so I never really got the opportunity to know her. Thanks for the chance!
I would spend the day with my Grandmother. She passed away 20 years ago and I miss her more today than ever. Thanks for sharing!
WooHoo! I can't believe you picked my name. I never win! From the look of those envelopes, I'm in for a GREAT treat!
I would like to get you my SNAIL mail, but don't have Outlook Express, so my computer won't let me email you. Could you either post your email or drop me at line at kelnhof2@uwm.edu and I will give you my address?
Now, on to today's question. Like you, my choice would be my dad. I am blessed that he is still here and I have these opportunities. Still, we don't spend nearly enough time together. He raised my brother & I as a single parent and managed to do it in such a way that he ended up being my best friend too.
I guess it would have to be my mother as well. She left when I was very young, passed away when I was 11, so I never knew her and I have lots of questions to ask her.
I would spend my day with my grandparents. I used to go and stay for a week or two when I was in elementary school and I would love to do that again. Times were simple for an elementary schooler visiting her grandparents! :) OR John Cusack...use your imagination! LOL! Happy Bday!
I would love one more day with my X-hb. He died very unexpected, very young, this past July. We were first loves in high school. We have a 20 yr. old. We grew up and grew apart but managed to remain friends for our sons sake.
I miss him.
I would have to say all of my Grandparents. They all passed away before I was 19 and I wish I would have been able to spend more time with them and get to know them better while they were here.
I'd love to spend a whole day with my big sister... she lives a 4 hour flight away now (I used to live about a half hour away from her) and I miss her terribly.
But, the good news is... I'm heading there to see her and my favourite niece later this month to help my niece celebrate her 18th birthday!
I would spend the day with my mom. She is my best friend and I don't get to see her nearly enough.
At this time I would have to say my best friend Kara who lives 1 province away, not far really, only a 1 hr flight but we haven't gotten to see eachother in almost 1 year because of our schedules, so I'm hoping to see her real soon for some girly girl girl time!
A whole day with anyone? That is hard! There are many stamping friends I could list, but how to choose just one? Think I'll choose my sister - I don't get to see her as often as I would like!
I would want to spend a day with my mom. She passed away 15 years ago (my senior year of high school) and there have been so many things that I would've like to talk to her about!
Wow! Thanks for sharing your goodies.
If I could pick anyone to spend the day with, I would pick my DH's grandfather. He died the year before DH and I met, and I have since heard so many wonderful things and stories about him. He was really important to my DH, so I think it would be really cool to be able to know him too.
Hi Tracy! Remember me? I was your secret sister long ago and we met at the regional in Toronto. Congrats on your dirtyness. You make such beautiful things!
If I could spend a day with anyone it would be my grandfather. He died when I was 4 and I would've liked to have known him more.
Someone I would spend the day with. I would give anything to spend the day with my grandma. She passed 14 years ago. She never got to meet her first great-grandaughter and I would have given my life for that to happen. And to top it off Grandma was always good at giving advice, and I sure could use some right now.
Well. . .a tough choice. I see no one picked anyone famous. If I picked a family member, it would be my Uncle Al. He died when I was in 5th grade and was my favorite uncle. He was always so funny and I wonder what he would think of how I turned out! I miss him.
But now, if I could pick someone famous. . .I'd pick Elvis! I have pictures of Elvis all over my walls in my stamping room. There is a fasination with him and I don't know what it is. I'd love to spend a day with him and find out what he's like!
Looks like some great envelopes there! How fun!
I would probably spend the day with my maternal grandmother... just to hear what her views on life are. She passed away before I was born, and I hear she was a wonderful woman.
I would have to choose my best friend Deborah. I moved to GA and she moved to SC a year ago and we havn't seen each other since. I'd love a girls day to catch up and stamp and shop! {SMILES}
If I could spend a day with anyone, I would give my day to my husband who just lost his father a year ago to cancer. He misses him so much. He received the book "One More Day" for xmas. It's been very hard for him.
EASY question - my 25 YO daughter. she moved to NYC last year, and i miss her DEARLY all the time :)
If I could spend the day with anyone, I would choose my friend Julie. She lives thousands of miles away from me and I dearly miss seeing her everyday!
Yvonne C.
well... if we can't chose our husbands, i would choose to spend the day with my sister. we would go to the spa, go shopping, eat and laugh all day. :)
I have been overseas for the last 2-1/2 years and we are home for a 7 month furlough - I'd love to be able to spend some "girl time" with my sister-in-law - my brother got married just 3 weeks before we moved to Indonesia and I've never gotten to know her! Would love the chance to do that. Thanks for the giveaway!
It's hard to choose, but I think it would be my Mom. She lives pretty close but with my five kids we never really get to spend time one on one. We really should try harder to do that! Thanks for asking the question. You have me thinking now!
If I could spend a day with anyone, it would be my mother.I lost her 3years ago and I still wanted more time with her. She was the best.-- Karen Naber (hpnaber@msn.com)
I'd spend a day with my sister, Denise. She passed away in 1999 - very unexpectedly and I miss her so very much.
If I could spend a day with anyone, I would say it would be my mother in law. I've had many people passed away in my life the last few years (dad, mother in law, good friend and my grandma) but I miss my mother in law the most. She was the best mother in law a girl can ask for. Before I even was marry into the family, she treated me like one of her daughters. I cherish the times when we were cooking in the kitchen or even wash her wig when she was first diagnosed with cancer. Her wig was long and straight when she gave it to me for a wash, but it came back to her like an afro.
I miss her teaching me how to cook ethnic Lao dishes from scratch, but I know one day I'll see her again in Heaven and I'm thankful for that. She accepted Jesus into her heart before she died.
After a lot of thought I think my dad's dad. He passed away when I was young and all I remember is a very queit man...
What a great question ~~ I would also have to say my dad, who passed away 5 years ago this month. He was only 57 ~~ way too young ~~ & I was such a daddy's girl. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways!!
hubby? and watch him snore thru the game-so not! I do that every day now!
I would choose my brother Boo. He died when he was 15 and I was 18 and we were best buds. I would watch all the Star Wars movies with him because we both liked Sci Fi and these hadnt come out yet. then I would make him that greasy hamburger stew he liked so much. topped with creamy smashed potatoes. ANd we would just sit and look at the stars and dream of going to Mars.
I would love to spend a day with my mother who has been gone 9 years. I have so many questions I have come up with since she passed on. TFS!
I would probably have to say my friends from school.. I became a mom my senior year of high school and am so busy with being a good wife and mother and do not get to anything for myself. So I would like to hang out with my friends from high school and go shopping and have fun..
I would like to spend the day with my grandfather. He's been gone 3 years this Valentine's day and I miss him terribly! He was my hero. He was a retired Marine, retired Board of Education/Teacher, and ran his own business for 20 years. I would like him to meet my son (his namesake) and make my grandmother happy again....
Wow this is the way to do it! FUN MYSTERY bags. All I know is they will be FUN FUN FUN wants the lucky stampers receives these in the mail. I person that came to my is my BF. We have so much fun together and she stamps too.
thanks for a chance.
My Nanna - she was such a great grandmother - she passed away a month before my daughter was born - sorry she didn't live to see her greatgrandchildren.
NancyS (momsnack)
If I could spend a day with anyone, I'd say it would be with my Grandparents (although my grandpa has since passed away), I would cherish the day with them. I love it when I do get to see my grandmother, and miss my grandfather terribly. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking of all the wonderful years I had with him when he was still alive. Thanks for the chance to win some blog bling!
My best friend! We both lived in IL, then she moved to MI and I moved to GA.
I would choose my best friend Elisabeth. She moved to the other part of the country 4 years ago. Since then I only see her 2 times a year and I really miss our time together.
Hmmm... good question. I would have to say my dad too. He passed away 14 years ago. I miss him dearly.
Thanks for sharing.
I would have to say my dad too! I wasso close to him and then he moved away and I miss him very much! I am so glad I found your blog! Being a pastors wife is my daughters dream. Isn't that cute?
I would spend the whole day with my best bud who has moved to USA..haven't' seen her in 5 yrs..it would be like old times, going to the beach, giggling at boys, having junk food and bitching about our boyfriends!!
Awesome fun!
I'd have to choose my best friend, who lives 5 hrs away. We used to hop in the car and drive for weekend, visits, but then we both had children. Now it's so much harder to just go! Thanks for the chance :)
This is an easy one - my grandpa who died when I was 14!
What a fun January thing to be doing to make some people happy!!
Wow, what a hard question...I guess I would have to say Red Skelton. He was such an awesome person, talented in so many ways, loved the Lord and people.
OH I would love to spend a day w/my Sweet Pretty Girl Anjelique who passed at 2 1/2 months to SIDS she would be turning 2 in 2 weeks if I could spend her B-day w/her Oh wow words could not express what that would mean to me. I know our Lord is all merciful and wonderful and he did grant me the honor of being Anjie's mama and for that I am thankful but if I could see how much she's grown and hear her giggle...hmmm as I am now blessed to hear her baby sister who just turned 1 last week..
I would like to spend a day with my mom. She died very suddenly in 1996 and I still miss her.
I would like to spend the day with my mom. My mom is still alive, and I visit her just about every day. But, she's in the severe state of Ahlzheimer's. The woman I look at and try to talk to is not my mom. My mom is lost somewhere inside. What a glorious day it would be if she knew me by name and could just sit and talk with me! Thanks for the goodies!
I would LOVE a surprise envie filled with goodies to land on my doorstep. Especially since I vowed not to spend any money on crafts this year in order to donate $1000 to the Crohn's and Colits Foundation. If I could spend a day with anyone it would be Oprah. I love to give and it would be so much fun to be with her when she gives stuff away.
Cheryl KVD
If I could I would spend the day with my grown daughter, she is 18. She left about a month ago to go to Navy bootcamp and I did not realize just how close she and I had become. I miss her very much right now. However if that is not good enough I would like to spend the day with my brother who died almost 15 years ago. He was one year older then me and I still miss him very much.
My goodness this is a difficult choice, there are so many people I would love to have any amount of time. Both of my Parents have passed but I know they are always with me so I would choose my friend Michelle who moved home to Winnipeg 4 years ago with her son Elijah. Michelle spent the year she was pregnant with Elijah living with us as she was having a few difficulties. I came to think of her as an adopted daughter during that time and was present at Elijah's birth. Just after Elijah's first birthday she moved back to Winnipeg to be close to her parents for the support they could give her while raising a child.
I really miss them both and would love to even have a little bit of time just to catch up!
Well if we are talking in the paperarts world, hands down it would be Tim Holtz. That man has more creativity in his little finger than most of us in our whole body. In the whole world? My mom whose been gone a long time. Just a day would be a gift!
Mary Puskar
I would love to spend the day with my grandmother, who would be about 107 this year if she was living. She loved to sew, quilt and make crafts. She would absolutely love the all of the cardmaking and scrapbooking. What a neat way of giving away prizes.
Linda Peterson
What a fun question! So many amazing choices. I would have to say my mom. She is still living but she lives halfway around the country and I don't get to see her as much as I would like. Plus I have 2 little boys so when she is here it is the all grandson channel, all the time. It would be wonderful for her and I to have the day together w/ no kiddos, like old times. :)
If I could spend a day with anyone it would be my husbands baby sister...she died not to long after being born and forever will she be near and dear to his families hearts!
Thanks for the chance!
I would like to spend a day with my dad who died in 1997. I would ask him about his childhood and adult years before he married.
I would want to spend the day with Jesus so that I could ask him all the questions I have about my life and heaven.
I would spend the day with my sister who lives across the country. I haven't seen her in three years. We talk all the time but it's not like seeing her. Just a hug from her would be so wonderful.
I would probably pick my former college roommate, Michele. She lives in FL now and I only get to see her once every year or so.
Kerry Morgan
What a neat idea for your give-away...surprise packages!
You ask an interesting question...I went all over the board...celebraties, stamping legends, friends...
but I would have to say my first choice would be my dad, who died 15 years ago (time flies!). He was only 67, and I had been living out of state for quite a while. I didn't spend nearly enough time with him.
I would like spend time with my mom... She always busy with her job and herself... I hope someday we will have time for each other..
thanks for chance! :)
I would love to Spend a whole Day with My grandmother She passed 2 weeks before my 16th bday and we were very close ...I still Bring flowers to her grave and it helps me think im still seeing her often !! My children had never met her and They still know who she was and how much she truly meant to me !! Thanks for the chance!
I would spend the day with my husband! He is the one person I feel really 'at home' and comfortable with!
Thank you for this chance!
Hmmm, I would have to say my paternal grandfather. He died when I was 3 and I have no memory of him.
I'd have to say my grandfather, who passed away when I was a teenager.
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